Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The 'Nother Mothers

We have had two women step into our messy lives and, whether intentionally or unintentionally, helped us mother our children.

The first 'nother mother was Heather. We met her the year she sent her youngest to kindergarten. She was our neighbor that morphed into much, much more than that. She has been there for major, major life moments for us.  When I dropped Elijah off at his first day of preschool, Eric called her to console me as he headed off to work (I was sobbing uncontrollably). She walked with me around the park and told me about her experiences dropping her beautiful boys off at school. She calmed me; one of her many, many gifts. Heather saw me though the birth of our third son Judah. Her, and her family, cared for our two boys while I was in labor. And after he was born, Heather cared for Judah as he was her own. She would hear him screaming through the walls of our house and run over to grab him. She was the reason I didn't need anti-depressants! While seeing her let her dogs out; I would open the window and say, "Hey, you want a baby!?", to which she would almost always reply yes. Judah was the shittiest baby ever (the kid cried and screamed all day for me), but he calmed immediately for Heather! She was magic and he loved her.
After we moved, it wasn't as easy to keep in touch. But she was, and always will be, the original 'nother mother. 

The second 'nother mother comes from school. Becky came into our lives as Elijah's original para-pro from his first classroom in Birmingham Public. She (and Lynn) transitioned him, welcomed him, cared for him, and taught him potty training! We had been trying for 3 years and it took them 3 months! Becky really stands out as a 'nother mother because she moved away from her longtime team to stay with Elijah when he went to a new school. She stayed with him through new school years and new teachers so that he would have a consistent and familiar face. She is his favorite. When he sees her picture, Elijah lights up and does his happy dance. Becky is able to tell my son's moods; she knows his language; she knows his migraine triggers; she's my eyes and ears in the classroom; she's his constant. 
But all good things come to an end. Becky has selflessly put aside a career using her Masters in Counseling to see Elijah through many transitions. I'm happy to say that she is headed to a job to use those skills. Tomorrow is her last day with Lijah at school.  It's a good thing, but I'm still sobbing as I write this. I'm so incredibly thankful that Becky has successfully transitioned Elijah to a wonderful, super awesome new teacher over the last year. She has helped him feel comfortable and helped the team learn his "quirks".  He is a better person because of her. 

I'm not sure if another 'nother mother will enter our lives or not, but these two have left a big impact on us. 

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely true that it takes a village to raise a child; you're so lucky to have found that village :)
