Saturday, November 2, 2013

Poop Happens

I really thought that I was in the clear. It had happened to friends of mine, even my best friend. Her first child did it NON STOP. I silently listened to her woes many years ago, saw her bleach-stained carpets, and thanked God it wasn’t me. But I have (pretty much) fully potty trained my 4th (and last) kid during his 24th month of life, I was at the finish line!  
He pooped in his diaper at nap, flung the poo around the room, finger painted on the crib, rubbed his butt all over the multitude of blankets and sheets in there, and then peed out of the side of the crib just as I came in to check on him.
As he was in the tub, this was my conversation with him:
Then tonight, when I was busy with the 3 other kiddos, Asher snuck off to the bathroom. He got out the toilet scrubby thing (from the garbage) and proceeded to “clean” the toilet for me.
With his hands.
 In a toilet full of urine from another brother who can’t understand WHY we need to flush the toilet.
As he was in the tub, this is my conversation with him:
I love this kid sooooooooo much, but I’m not quite sure how to explain that his borderline OCD/germ-a-phobe mama’s head will explode if he keeps this up.

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